E-Mail #47 Look-a-likes & BOBA EVERYDAY

Welcome to this SPOOKY edition of E-Mail where it's not actually spooky as Halloween was yesterday so a missed opportunity really.

This is going out late again because my week is out of my usual routine so it's easy to forget about a blog i've been writing for over year now...yeah.

This week I've become obsessed with sewing, and watching Mean Girls BTS videos!

Let's open up this edition with something a little bit spooky...

Okay spookiness over, time with regular content!

Netflix Natter

It's Bojack Horseman! I'm pretty sure I've talked about it on here, and if I haven't well I've been watching this show since it came out so it's very lovely to sit and binge it whenever it updates. So I did this time and by god it's the best season yet! So thoughtful and interesting character-wise. It will make no sense if you're a new watcher so I highly recommend you start NOW. Season 6 trailer here!

Song Crush

I can't remember where I heard this song in the past week, it might have been off of a video or a tv series....it's great anyway! It's an acoustic version of a...non-acoutisc song but I'm vibing with the acoustic version that bit more despite the orig being a BOP

Tweet of The Week

Video Corner

So the past day or so I have become oBSESSED with this gals content. Micarah Tewers, what a legend, makes these wonderfully bonkers sewing tutorial/vlog style videos which are so fast paced and brilliant. She's honestly so funny and I hope to see more of her genius work!

What I Made

I finished inktober!!! Hurrah! But we're here to talk about a piece I made alongside...

Recognise him?


Alright that's it this week!

Hope you had a nice halloween and brill plans for BONFIRE night! I'm off to a firework display with some old friends because...it's worth it.



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