E-Mail #43 Books & Farewells

Hey gang,

It's edition 43 and in the past week I have caught a damn cold and been to an AMAZING gig! Swings and roundabouts.

Just going to get this one going!

Tweet of The Week

Song Crush

The gig I mentioned just up the page was for Keane! My favourite band! Of all time! It was their first gig of their Cause & Effect tour. The first tour in...6-7 years! SO IT WAS A BIG DEAL! They played a beautiful mix of old and news songs, and this song featured is from their new album and it's just stuck in my head. Listen if you know of Keane, listen if you don't. It's a winner.

Movie Mention

The Farewell

I saw this film the other day with Kevin who shares my love of A24 films. He also recommended this to me so it was fun to see it with him. This new indie film with GREAT reviews follows a Chinese family hushing up a family members stage 4 cancer result, as per tradition. It covers the difficulties with Western and Eastern traditions/concepts,

"You think one's life belongs to oneself: But that's the difference between the East and the West."

and the issue of death, guilt and doing what's 'right'. It's very slice of life and didn't feel like a traditional 'film' at all. I recommend it!

Video Corner

I always enjoy Lex's videos. They're short, witty and always on a topic I can get behind. Books with romance and lurid content? Hell yeah!

Things That I Made

Still recreating cakes and pies over here! Millie, my creative muse sent me this New York bakery a while back and challenged me to make-over a pastry in paper so here we have it! I'm going to get back on the Inktober wagon so look forward to that madness next week!


It's a short one this week, but I'm glad to be back doing this weekly.

I also just wanted to mention that the blog that actually inspired this one a year ago, https://ynte.space/ is wrapping up! Ynte's been doing it for a year and decided to pull the plug, which I can TOTALLY understand! Join me in celebrating his run by watching this mad video his brother and Millie helped make!

Thanks for making your blog Ynte, that I blatantly stole motivation from! Thanks for letting me take over yours and suggesting you take over E-Mail on occasion. Can't wait to see what you get up to next!

See ya!



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